Keep Your PPC Ads Click Fraud-Free, Coast to Coast

When you’re running a national marketing strategy, there’s a million problems waiting to trip you up. Don’t let click fraud be one of them.

Click fraud drains thousands of dollars daily from national PPC campaigns

Click fraud is the single largest threat to your digital marketing. It’s estimated that click fraud accounts for more than 14% of all PPC ad traffic.

That’s an average taken across all industries. But some sectors aren’t so lucky – if you run PPC ads in the education sector, for example, you’re probably losing more than 30% of your traffic to invalid clicks.

And that 14% figure doesn’t account for the variations in click fraud between types of ads – Google Display ads are estimated to lose a whopping 36% of their budget to click fraud.

Big business? Big target

While local PPC Ads face their own unique set of click fraud challenges, there’s no escaping the unwelcome interest that larger businesses experience in their national PPC Campaigns.

If you’re targeting the whole country, you’re usually working with a PPC budget that allows you to target higher-priced search terms - spending what you need to get the larger results that only PPC Ads can provide.

However, these higher-priced search terms are a magnet, providing increasingly attractive opportunities for fraudsters - with more to gain from every criminal click.

A national PPC strategy will also feature a greater number and variety of search terms – which means if you’re targeted by an unscrupulous competitor, they can use bots to automate the attack across a wider range of ads. They can easily evade detection, draining thousands of dollars with relatively few clicks on each ad – almost impossible to spot without click fraud protection.

ClickGUARD – the specific solution for your nationwide problem

ClickGUARD is the PPC specialist’s tool of choice, whether you’re advertising locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally. Make sure you’re protected.

Click Fraud Protection

Don’t let fraud slow your growth. Protect your campaigns against cybercriminals and malicious competitors of all sizes.

Invalid Traffic Protection

Optimize your national Google Ads so every campaign is separately and perfectly geotargeted. ClickGUARD gives you the extra precision you need to exclude invalid and irrelevant traffic in every region.

Bot Attack Prevention

Each and every click is assessed automatically for the likelihood of inhuman activity with negative intent. Block high-level cyberattacks with ClickGUARD.

Flexible, Powerful Reporting

Segment reports by campaign or keyword. Get real-time reports on demand or to your chosen schedule, to provide each team and location with the data they need.

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